At long last, I’m excited to be able to share the title of my of forthcoming book. Although this collection of personal essays about LGBT families and relationships has been in the works for the past year or so, I was having trouble coming up with a title I liked and that described the contents in a concise, marketable kind of way. But, after some brainstorming with my wonderful publisher Ruth Linka, of TouchWood Editions, we’ve finally settled on a title we like.
So, without further ado, here it is:
A Family By Any Other Name: Exploring Queer Relationships.
Not bad, huh? Admittedly, it’s a longer title than those of my other books, but I think it still rolls off the tongue in a nice way. More importantly, it describes the content matter of the book clearly and concisely. And that is no easy feat for an anthology of essays that examine queer relationships from just about every angle you can think of, from coming out and dating to marriage and parenting to divorce and even coping with the death of a spouse.
I look forward to sharing more information about the book, and introducing some of its contributors, in the months ahead, leading up to its publication in Spring 2014. For now, let’s just take a moment to appreciate the hours (literally, hours!) of work that go into choosing the right title.